Descartes ShipRush is your one-stop UPS ecommerce shipping platform, saving time and simplifying operations while offering best-in-class rate discounts

Designed for small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs), ShipRush seamlessly integrates with UPS to simplify shipping operations while benefiting from the best shipping discounts available. Manage your ecommerce shipping directly within the platform from multiple sales channels and access UPS services, such as printing UPS shipping labels and return labels, creating export documents for international shipments, viewing and reporting on UPS Tracking information and comparing shipping rates based on package specification, time in transit, and destination—all while eliminating common surcharges.

With ShipRush Web, you can be up and running in 20 minutes with easy-to-use connection wizards to your webstores—login to your UPS shipping account or sign up for a UPS account directly to immediately benefit from discounted domestic and international UPS online shipping rates or to import your own negotiated UPS carrier rates.

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Ecommerce Shipping Software Partners

Descartes ShipRush + UPS

Looking for best-in-class shipping rate discounts?

Join our UPS shipping discount rate program—print UPS shipping labels at reduced rates and save up to 50% off UPS® Ground shipments and up to 66% on daily rates for UPS 2nd Day Air® service on eligible packages while fulfilling orders across all channels.*

Global Shipping with UPS® Worldwide Economy

Is your business ready to ship globally? Descartes ShipRush is UPS Worldwide Economy enabled, providing affordable and dependable cross-border shipping services to small and medium-sized businesses and online retailers shipping from the continental U.S.

Prefer a Desktop Shipping Solution?

Descartes ShipRush is a proud UPS® Digital Connections partner.
Download ShipRush Desktop and integrate with your own internal systems. Connect ShipRush Desktop to your UPS account to take advantage of UPS shipping rates that are significantly below retail.

*MANDATORY DISCLAIMER: Rates are limited to shipping from the continental U.S. only. These rates and discounts exclude shipment origins from Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska. Rates and any applicable discounts are subject to change at any time without notice.

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